Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I am going to keep this entry short, and you all know I am not short for words about serious ISSUE to concern ME but this one I had just put out there for Blogger Opinion.

I was mid-way with a New Blog posting with my take on Rev. Jeremiah Wrights speech during the past weekend's NAACP affair and his Press Questioning and Answer Session when I saw on television the HOT OFF THE PRESS AND BREAKING NEWS that Barak Obama condemns his Pastor. He is quoted as suggesting that Rev. Wright’s “performance” was an OUTRAGE and his "comments were not only divisive and destructive”.

Was he talking about Rev. Jeremiah Wright or Flava Flav?

"I’m outraged by the comments that were made and saddened over the spectacle that we saw yesterday." I find these comments appalling. It contradicts everything that I’m about and who I am. They offend me, they rightly offend all Americans and they should be denounced. That’s what I am doing very clearly and unequivocally here today." – Barak Obama

I know we are talking about Obama's denouncing of his pastor as all Politics but in rejecting Rev. Wright, not only does he reject his own Spiritual Compass, but the Black Church, Black History and a larger body of Black folk and their connection to America through the Church and him.

In the past, we were taught to see others who are different as somehow being deficient. Christians saw Jews as being deficient. Catholics saw Protestants as being deficient. Presbyterians saw Pentecostals as being deficient.

Folks who like to holler in worship saw folk who like to be quiet as deficient. And vice versa. Whites saw black as being deficient. It was none other than Rudyard Kipling who saw the "White Man's Burden" as a mandate to lift brown, black, yellow people up to the level of white people as if whites were the norm and black, brown and yellow people were abnormal subspecies on a lower level or deficient.” - Rev Jeremiah Wright

Barak Obama is an American so it's hard for me to accept and or see why he has to continue to prove to be American to everyone else when he only has to just BE. The one issue I have always had with those following Obama and love him as their candidate is that the see him as ALL THINGS TO ALL PEOPLE. The one thing about those that are ALL THINGS is that they often fail ALL THE TIME TO ALL PEOPLE. Obama is a MAN and like Men he is flawed which is why he has FAITH and in his FAITH, he worships DIFFERENTLY. And in the words of Rev. Wright, Different isn't Deficient.

I don't feel sorry for Barak Obama in regards to his rejection to Rev. Jeremiah Wright, I feel "sadden" for for HIM.

When you are diminished by YOUR Nation, pressured, manipulated away from your Spiritual Compass, that one person also being your "father figure", a Nation that has you denounce your Spiritual Leader, a leader that has connected you to your CHURCH and your Spiritual FAMILY and have you reject this before the WORLD, if you are willingly or even reluctantly, IN MY OPINION it shows a weakness in Character for one's FAITH. One should not have sympathy from AMERICA (the very Nation whom invented the concept of Freedom of Speech, Expression, and Religion) or Black Christians on this subject because both did not bother to question and allowed this treatment to fall upon a citizen, let alone Barak Obama. And to chock this up to those that are Christians and proudly speak within their “Faith” say, "He had to say this for "Political Reasons", speaks volumes to their hypocrisy comparing them to those who do not like the Clinton's and express that they "will do anything to win". This Black Face Moment now becomes Obama's “Anything To Win" moment”.

I can't see how a MAN, guided by his Faith can dismiss his beliefs for MAN'S LAW unless his Faith was a means to an Opportunity. For those that do not know, Trinity is a VERY powerful and influential CHURCH in Chicago and in the Midwest just as Ebenezer is in the South and Abyssinian is in the North. When you become a member of these Churches you are a standing member in a LONG STANDING HISTORY of Social, Political and Economic Change in America. To reject that, you do more than distancing, you begin to open eyes, ears and hearts to a HUGE SUPPORT NETWORK.

Rev. Wright stated that he is a Man of Faith and that his service is to that of GOD where as Obama is a Politician who must speak to the people and has to say whatever it takes to be a Politician.

I agree with Rev. Wright on this point, and thus Obama's dilemma for Being All Things To All People is careening into a Brick Wall. The thing about Being All Things to All People is that you eventual FAIL ALL PEOPLE IN ALL THINGS.

Obama should have stayed on message. HE HAD ADDRESS TO AMERICA HIS VIEWS AND HIS PURPOSE. He has published Books, did Interviews, made Speeches, has had 21 Debates, presented his Tax Records, presented his DNA and Family Tree so now he has to GET RID OF HIS MORAL COMPASS in order to walk straight? BULLSHYT!!!

"He continues his commentary about Rev. Jeremiah Wright: "As I see it, if a strong, controversial black man in America is not kissing the asses of cynics and aggressively-patriotic white America or submissively acquiescing himself as 'Toby' like Kunta Kinte in Roots, he is ostracized and electronically lynched. It is unfortunate that when sad truths are revealed about America - despite all of the good she has done in the world – people cannot see the truth because they are ridiculously and blindly patriotic. They are in deep denial. In my opinion, Reverend Wright has been vilified and 'caricatured' because he has spoken the truth about America not being utopia. It’s time for Americans to take the blinders off." -- Shay Posted on Booker Raising 4/30/2008

Saturday, April 26, 2008


There is one thing about being inspired. There is another thing about being inspired for a purpose of doing. Today was one of those days. A day for Doing. I often remind Black folk that our work is not done. Like any job or career pursuit, one does not go into it with just working for that day and then coasting on a days profit. There is  a point in one’s life when we have to choose between what is RIGHT and what is EASY. Today was a day for choosing what is RIGHT.

Twenty-four hours after the damning decision that cast cold stones into the hearts of the Bell family, a community gathered to express that although you were blindsided by the legal system, your community has your back and will not allow New York City, the State, a Country and quite possibly the World to witness how the NYPD and the New York City Justice System to create a separate Black or Brown rule. The role we all will play isn’t that of Revenge or Reretribution but of LOVE; a Love for keeping children alive. The community has decided that Black and Brown children are not and will no longer be defined as Collateral Damage as part of the rule of Over Policing without Accountability.

Policing is never the issue when talking about a community. Communities want Policing and look to law enforcement as part of keeping rule in a Nation of Laws, but the cancer that has grown, maturated and expanded has inflicted deadly damage to Black Families in great numbers and the only people who are most concerned are Black folk. Today’s rally is a reaffirmation that the NYPD and New York City will no longer get a pass. Every death will be deal with a series of political assaults, economic shut downs and civil disobedience. A declaration of commitment from Religious, Social and Community Groups and individuals were signed and a public understanding that sacrifices will need to be made for the many who walk the streets Disconnected from the reality that WORK NEEDS TO BE DONE to save the children of tomorrow.

April 25, 2008, they killed Sean all over again. I’m still praying for justice, because this is far from over. Every march, every protest, every rally, I’m going to be right up front.”, said Paultre Bell. This is what the public will hear as the universal sound bite, which will be looped over, and over for days to come and as so, forgotten by the media and public often does. What the rest of the world needed to know were the words that followed:

I may have broken down, but I'm OK. I was bent, but I’m not broken.” she assured the Ralliers, and with those words, the tears flowed throughout the hall.

Valerie Bell, the mother of Sean Bell spoke, “I didn’t go through labor pains with my son because he was born C-section. But on Nov. 25, 2006, that’s when my labor pains started. The pains that come with bringing life into the World. When a mother looses a child to violence or any kind of loss, she experiences those pains all over again. I felt my labor pains then.”, as she explains while holding her stomach.

Through out the rally, Rev. Al Sharpton and the families detailed and answered why it was important and necessary for the methodology before the trail and to the day as well as where the Community goes next. We learned how Youth organizations are helping, partnering and not being absorbed but given free reign to develop their own strategies to enforce change in the community. With emphasis on Non-Violent Disobedience, part of the rally was making it a matter of letting those who plan to participate, understand that people talk about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. but people don’t understand him. So as part of the lesson of demanding Massive Civil Rights, we have to look back in history. Highlighted was the legal decision, which lead to the Dred Scott Decision of 1857 where Courts decided that there were no Black Rights that any White was bound to Respect. If you understand the nature of that 1857 decision and how the argument to support that law was applicable to the justification that Justice Arthur J. Cooperman gave as to why the NYPD aren’t responsible for taking innocent life and the reason why obsessive force was merited in the Sean Bell case, the decision sends a message that there is a DIFFERENCE between Black lives and White lives. Black Justice and White Justice. That we value the lives of "caged animals" in zoos more than the freedoms of innocent Black American citizens.

So all the while Black and Brown people were meeting peacefully, the City of New York is pumping millions of dollars beefing up patrols, having armed guards standing outside the homes of the attorneys and offices involved in the shooting, and having helicopters flying over Judge Cooperman’s house and while this happening, in a Peaceful Rally we are discussing meetings with the Attorney General and meeting with Representative John Conyers Jr. of Michigan, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. So we all sit back and call to our Faith in GOD to give a clear path for Righting a WRONG and in “fear”, the NYPD cling to tax payer dollars to beef up against an enemy that doesn't exist. Clueless in understanding how all the training and military style conditioning has no purpose against a Peaceful people. So what do they do NEXT?

Calling upon biblical text, Rev. Al Sharpton tells stories or in this case, gives examples of what we will all face as people demanding JUSTICE, the rules by which the agents against positive change will use. How the rules change for those that question when the game all of a sudden is skewed against Black folk when their fairness is written out. How there will be times when those dressed to protect will test you by agitation and ridicule, but if you are in the know, if you know the truth in your objective, you can overcome it all without screaming or physical violence. The law is the LAW and Black folk will inquire, challenge, change and keep LAW. That is how it was. How it is and how it will always be because when you rest, somehow, some way, we can go from 2008 to 1875 in the time it takes to send off 50 rounds of bullets.

It has always been a struggle to keep young men alive when the “wicked” are in change. You can find this in the Old Testament with Abraham, in the New Testament with Jesus and throughout history. Sean Bell was a good YOUNG man and what happened to him was wicked.”, spoken by Rev. Al Sharpton.

So now the commitment begins and from a cross section of Black and Brown New Yorkers are and have made the commitment. Now that Black folk have made the pledge to save Black Babies, it is only a matter of time before Asian, Foreign born as well as other People of Color will come along and JOIN once they realize that their children are next and need equal protect.

Friday, April 25, 2008


So I wake up in anticipation to the Sean Ball case. I pretty much stayed quiet on my opinion and public statements because many of the Community Groups decided to pull back and allow the justice system to work it's magic. In the past, the New York Justice System always used and accused community groups, especially Black and Latino Activist Groups for inciting Racism, manipulating the and or interfering with the structure of the courts, misleading evidence and pressuring litigators for political reasons by threatening the potential for Riots in decisions involving Police brutality and obsessive force. So this now was a test. A test to see that if a community were to NOT be involved, would the system own up to its word of carrying out JUSTICE without excuses and blame. So much was the non-involvement that the local media was asking, “Where is Al Sharpton?” as well as other locally known activist such as Councilman Charles Barron. The Black Church made mention of the events and the activities leading up to the decision. There was a conscious practice of non-involvement until the final days.

The media played the day-to-day strategies of the court, its inconsistencies, the play on words, legal analysts read their tea leaves trying to predict what was going to happen but BLACK folk knew what the endgame was going to be, and YET they still Hoped that the Legal System would do the right thing. Black folk knew what the final decision was going to end up being the moment the courts ruled to forgo a jury and have a SINGLE JUDGE make the decision. Common Sense would say that anyone, unarmed and in a closed environment (a car) being shot with 50 bullets, some of which fired haphazardly at innocent bystanders, and others still having bullets lodged in their bodies of the defendants, it would stand to reason that someone would be found guilty of at least the minimum charges. So as a statement of calm, we all sat, and waited and PLANNED until the final conclusion was made.

The Sean Bell case is a clear example of Police Brutality 101 by the NYPD. You could not write a better “script” than this. Without building a coalition, the story itself took on a life and lived in the hearts and minds of all New Yorkers because no one in their right mind could comprehend how 50 bullets were needed to stop three men in a car when all three were innocent. In events past when there were questions about OVER POLICING by the NYPD, sides were drawn, but in the Sean Bell case, people know what sided to be on and the NYPD had very little support. There was no need for massive protests in the streets because the American justice system would rule correctly on this one. The possible reason for lack of overt activism in the beginning may have been the lack of media enticement or lack thereof without Black Community Leaders as a catalyst for fanning the flames and decent as material to work with. Then again, it could have been due to the event’s simplicity. This was an Open and Shit Case. It took very little to keep the importance of Sean Bell’s life out of the media everyday. Sean Bell was what you would call a "Clean Cut Kid" with no record, no violent background, no drug usage, well educated, and a hard working family man. Even with the conscious strategy of having Black Lawyers representing the police officers and their use of the term, "GOOD BLACKS vs. BAD BLACKS" used against Sean Bell and his associates throughout the case, there was a public acknowledgement that the courts were really stretching to find something to justify his murder. Here you had an American, attending a Bachelor Party the day before he was to get married to his wife and begin his family with a child, not having a criminal background and you end up being shot by several police officers because they “thought” they heard he was going to "get a gun". As the lawyers continued to dig deep into the officer’s story, the initial causes for shooting went from "fear of being shot" to "fear of being run over with a car" to the people who were all shot had "criminal affiliations" (Trent Benefield and Joseph Guzman) to their stories changed and consistent because they wanted to sue the Police Department and make money from Civil Case. Open and shut case right? Wrong. Somewhere along the line, Sean Bell's Human and and Civil Rights were left at the door and walked over.

The officers; Michael Oliver, Gescard Isnora and Marc Cooper were all the central players in this Legal Drama. Marc Cooper, 40, was noted for firing so wildly, that his bullets sprayed into a near by train station, almost hitting an idle standing bystander. Cooper faced charges of reckless endangerment. Officers Michael Oliver, 36, and Isnora, 29, faced Manslaughter charges and Assault and Reckless Endangerment with their uncontrolled weapons. In the end, it was Justice Arthur Cooperman delivered the verdict, Not Guilty.

When those Words were uttered, the Bell family broke down but they remained strong. Deep down, behind the Hope, they KNEW. They knew that the Police would not get what normal people who murder indiscriminately would get. As things would go, the Bell family would have HOPED to get an apology from the System for their loss and as of the decision, had not. As Black folk, the understanding of bias, double standards, two legal systems, police brutality, over sentencing, under reporting, over policing, militia style policing, creating name and affiliation data bases and profiling is power for the course when living in Inner City New York so HOPE is the ideal word for what Black folk prophetical live by. When Community Leaders put out the message to stand down and allow the System to function without intervention, the tensions had never subsided. Knowing that “if” and “whenTHAT decision is made, that ENERGY will be directed not into Destruction BUT into a wave that will flow ALL OVER THE CITY.

"This verdict is one round down, but the fight is far from over. What we saw in court today was not a miscarriage of justice. Justice didn't miscarry. This was an abortion of justice." --http://video.wnbc.com/player/?id=244770 Rev. Al Sharpton

I sat in the audience, as did the community when Sharpton explained that when a Woman miscarries, medically this means that the body was unable to handle the life that is was given. It means that due to no fault of the Woman or accident, life CANNOT be carried and it fails. When a life is “aborted”, it is a conscious decision, a planned killing, and a methodical step-by-step murder of life. In the case of Sean Bell, from the shooting to the systematic structure of the court to bring about a decision of Not Guilty, their was a premeditated plan for an ABORTION of justice and it should be seen, understood and explained as such.

"Obviously, there are some people who are disappointed with the verdict. ... We don't anticipate violence, but we are prepared for any contingency." http://video.wnbc.com/player/?id=244683-- Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly.

The lack of “expected” criminal and destructive actions has stunned the NYPD and its Legal Community. There were no riots, no fighting in the street, no rocks thrown, cars being turned over, gun shoots in the distance or threats and cursing after the decision. Black folk gathered their anger and their fears tied together by their HOPE and made way to their Churches, Community Groups, Local Organizations, Homes and Schools and coming out with all the RESERVED ENERGY needed to CLEAN HOUSE. This was easy to do because prior to the decision, Black folk in New York prepared and had a "CONTINGENCY" as well. In the past 10 years in New York when citizens thought that the worst the NYPD can do is murder Amadou Diallo, it had gone complacent and bored and decided that 21 shots needed to grow to 36 to 41 to 50 shots. Now New Yorkers know that 50 shots will grow to 60 and into 70 and ultimately into an arsenal of body holes and it needs to stop. But how will Black folk do that? They aren’t telling nor advertising their strategy this time. This lack of knowledge has begun to increase the NYPD and New York City “fear”. This much they all know, Uptown WILL be coming Downtown.

Walking the streets of Harlem and I saw no Beat Walkers. All of the Officers are in Patrol Cars. Driving. Searching. Wondering if and when the time will come and the "explosion" begins. With the weather getting warmer, the children on their Spring Break, what now? No longer comfortable to walk the streets, the command offices now feel that Black folk will became dangerous, uncontrollable and detrimental to their livelihood. Not true, Black folk have decided to change the script.

"Today we're grateful that this court ruled on the evidence presented in this case. But with this case, there's no winners, there's no losers. We still have a death that occurred. We still have police officers that have to live with the fact that there was a death involved in their case. ... It's a tragedy for all police officers who have to live with the difficult job we do but nevertheless we're grateful for this outcome." http://video.wnbc.com/player/?id=244688 --Patrolmen's Benevolent Association president Patrick J. Lynch.

The comments of Patrick J. Lynch read from the typical and old NYPD script. Translation: “Yeah people got shot, and some N____ got shot too but Shyt happens. You’ll get some money from this but HEY, as Police, we are under a lot of pressure so get off our backs aiight.”

"There are no winners in a trial like this. An innocent man lost his life, a bride lost her groom, two daughters lost their father, and a mother and a father lost their son. No verdict could ever end the grief that those who knew and loved Sean Bell suffer. Judge Cooperman's responsibility, however, was to decide the case based on the evidence presented in the courtroom. America is a nation of laws, and though not everyone will agree with the verdicts and opinions issued by the courts, we accept their authority. Today's decision is no different. There will be opportunities for peaceful dissent and potentially for further legal recourse -- those are the rights we enjoy in a democratic nation. We don't expect violence or law-breaking, nor is there any place for it. We have come too far as society -- and as a City -- to be dragged back to those days. http://video.wnbc.com/player/?id=244865 -- New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg

Politically and Publicly speaking, the Mayor of New York cannot tarnish the NYPD and yet when this whole incident occurred he did say that the shooting was, “obsessive”. Not the NYPD and it is because of this attitude towards Black life, the people are DONE, no more passes.

"We ask people to be calm as they protest, if that's what they choose to do. ... On the same token, though, we ask police to be calm as people protest. ... We have not heard what these men did that caused police to act as though they were America's most wanted, yet still we hear a verdict of not guilty. We will go to the next level, whatever that might be, to seek justice." -- Leroy Gadsden, president of the Jamaica, Queens, branch of the NAACP.

The role of Youth is heavily highlighted in the movement. The numbers on the streets swelled to a major capacity. This is good for several reasons. Through the marches, the interviews and rallies, the main theme spoken was, "This could be you. This could be Me. This could be your child? Sean Bill is me." for what is it worth, the Mothers and Fathers that broke down in tears and stood tall and shouted know that this is a TRUTH that cannot be ignored. When asked, during Al Sharpton's National Radio Show, how do you think the current political figures running for president should react? It was noted that it was not anyone's place to predict but Black folk will put Hillary Clinton and Governor David Peterson on NOTICE and an active commitment to making this RIGHT will be DEMANDED.

Later, as the groups retired to meet the next day, some of the protesters heard Barak Obama's reaction to the decision, the skepticism and wariness rose to the top with some when Obama said:

After watching Obama's comment, many of the people who left the rally gave pause to the response. After a few minute of dialogue one man's thoughts were this:

"It's in moments like this is why I feel Obama will fall short of addressing Black issues. Sure he may be able to fix the economy, bring back the troops, possibly bring about a solid foundation for jobs in America but for the individual Black person, what do he bring to the table in situations like this besides Hope. I don't want any more Hope, I want justice."

I would have to agree. The response was a bit disconnected, generic and dismissive to the Pain and Hurt that Black and Brown people feel and have felt for years in relation to Police brutality by the NYPD. Like the "bitter" comment that offended the people of Centeral Pennsylvania and Small Town America, the Obama Multiculturalist Philosophy of "let's come together" aren't the words for calm that Black folk want to hear just about now. I mean, how do you tell a HURT PEOPLE to accept a people that greets them with open arms; flowers in one hand and guns and bullets in another?


Paint is Red
Paint it Dead
For fear of Black Worlds
Increasing numbers of Boys and Girls
Casting off God’s Shame
Accepting the Devil’s Blame
Badges cold and Blue
Can do whatever the FUQ they want to

No bleeding of emotion
For blood shed in a commotion
Passionless in the Law
When human-less decisions creating Awe
Still a part of the American fabric
Standing silent surveying the havoc
Thick in association cased by a decision
This is American History by way of revision

Now is the time we all should appeal
That our justice in surviving will grow to reveal
That Black life taken should come with a fee
And our Fear of a White World will cease to be
Going beyond blame
Beyond the media Shame
It is a matter of response
Reacting to life and living in African nuance

(my heart goes out to the Bell Family on this day of tragedy and Injustice)

Cold Decision for Cold Bodies by Shazza Nakim
Copyright © by Peace of Mind Publishings and with permission by Shazza Nakim

Thursday, April 24, 2008


The love
We placed no burden on the facts,
The one clue that would
call attention to our passion.
Until I told
and the winds of the lips soared
touching ear to ear
like my tongue as it brought pleasure
to your bed
when your significant other was gone.
Now you hate me.
Not because of my words,
but because of the prison where I left you.
Unable to leave.
Sentenced and locked in statements and clauses
hiked up by capital letters and ending in question marks.
I've ended my story in finality,
my conclusion now met and understood,
while your drama is only at midpoint,
looking for a North Star
to guide it to freedom.
Across the lines
to me,
your savior.

The Affair by Shazza Nakim
Copyright © by Peace of Mind Publishings and with permission by Shazza Nakim


Not wishing anyone terrible news or blocking there blessing but I think it is a good thing Star Jones is going through what she is going through, an I like her contrary to what my initial statement sounds like.

I never believed the Fairy Tale romance and wedding Star Jones presented and I believe most of America felt the same way. At its core, that was the “bitter” pill that we all were forced to swallow during the whole ABC/ The View fiasco that resulted in Star Jones’ firing. We lived the drama and people drew lines in the sand over which side you stood. Either you loved the Woman who transformed her life and switched channels from the Big Girls Show to that of the Divalicious. I sided with Star ‘Diva” Jones because I am always a sucker for the underdog, and Star was a “Dog” in the eyes and lips of man people. Especially Black Women.

In my experience, I have noticed that Women are very hard on other Women who do well. Those that can go from pain and misery to health and spiritual enlightenment, often are placed in degrees and categories of acceptance, Women being selective in who they embrace when those that survive that climb into empowerment. Star Jones somehow must have taken the wrong staircase in her climb to the top because she never caught a break since she shed the pounds and decided for Professional and Personal reasons not to endorse publicly the radical methods for loosing weight. As a MAN, I was like, “Good for you Star, you did what you needed to do to get healthy.” To my Sisters, “That Bitch thinks she’s all that since she lost all that weight.”

It is just interesting that Star Jones was liked BEST when she was a Big Girl and the bigger she got, the more she was loved and adored. It was as if Star Jones encompassed the pain, insecurities, depressions and feelings or inadequacies and daily as she appeared on television absorbed those feelings and emotions until she was about to burst. In reality, she was about to BURST. The Woman’s heart was about to give out and in a moment to choose life over death, SHE decided to live. This was not acceptable for the World because Star Jones, as a Woman, and Black Woman, as a Fat Black Woman, as a Self Destructive Fat Black Woman was suppose to die and become the latest casualty for the decadence that is America. In THAT moment Star Jones lived and lived as LARGE as the body she once had and like all stars that go “nova”, she energy touched everyone including those that did not want to be touched. This energy included her “Happiness”.

OK so we know about how Alicia Keys had help HOOK up Star Jones with her soon to be ex-husband, Al Reynolds. We did the whole his Traditional Black Southern and my Southern Traditional family stories, the All-Star engagement proposal, a whole one year marriage counseling, one year of celibacy, the on air wedding dress shopping, The View as the year long Bridal Party, HELL we even grudgingly had to sit through a one-woman American Idol-like Star Jones solo act of her singing a Whitney Houston song. And by that time I too was going through a period of Star Rejection. Then we got in the final closing of the Star Jones Experience with her Wedding of the Century or as the media dubbed it “The Most Outrageous Celebrity Weddings of 2004”. Once this was done we were just like … OK what next? What was next was to figure out, "What Man Would Marry Star Jones?"

So now that we were exhausted about the woman, we now had to look at the MAN but what we found was someone that was NOT QUITE WHAT WE EXPECTED. He was just a regular Jack and Jill expressing, God Fearing (because we know he had to be that type of Christian), Independently wealthy, well educated, Black and masculine. Well, that last point, the “masculine part” was suspect. Much like the Barak Obama and the Reverend Wright controversy, this one issue never quite left the minds of the many “He-and-She-Hates” Star Jones followers BUT, if Star Jones said Al Reynolds was ALL MAN and not Gay than we will accept that for now.

Fast-forward four years later, Star Jones has rebounded time and time again from her The View Issues to her own show on Court-TV and still everything was Roses. One thing about Roses though, they grow, they bloom, they are admired and then they dwindle and die. There wasn’t a moment when we did not hear how WONDERFUL the Reynolds marriage was and how much it is this and how much it was that. For me, that was a RED FLAG. No one needs to reaffirm a good thing when life does that without assistance. Especially when no one asks.

Year 2005 and we are hearing comments from Star Jones’ Spokesperson, "This story is absolutely ridiculous and untrue. Star and Al are very committed to each other and their marriage." This statement was in response to the idea that the marriage was a sham and a means to boost The Views ratings, the rumors of past affairs by Al Reynolds and his visits to Fire Island (for those not in the know, Fire Island is a very popular place for Gay Summer Activities and Events) and pictures floating about the Internet in swimwear which for some, must be an antidote for Homosexual behavior. I mean from the start there has to be something “wrong” with this MAN to like …. HER. The rumors never stopped, if anything they became more insidious from two avenues, tabloid media and the Gay Community. Which as far as I am concerned are pretty much one and the same.

Each year the announcement of the two getting a divorce became an annual event with Star Jones reaffirming that the two are still living in Honeymoon Bliss. One thing I know about Honeymoons, they eventually end and the REAL marriage begins. And just that, people who either LOVE or HATE Star Jones know that what we see in public, ISN’T the real Star and Star never shows you her HAND.

But why do people keep bringing up The Star Jones Marriage? Why not just let up and move on to maybe other People’s Marriages? Is it that people still cannot release from the fact that this once “Ugly Betty” has become a Star or is this more like Marion Jones and her drug scandal (no relation … seriously) where people know something that everyone was else is ignoring and the accused is just not letting go of the Lie. Maybe Star Jones really is a Diva and has pissed off so many people that until she BURST the way people had hoped she would have on The View, she will be doomed to be hassled until then? How about the fact people either did not feel that they got their money’s worth (since Star Jones nor Al Reynolds paid a dime for it) or there was some small writing in the bridal Contract which stated that the PUBLIC owns Her for life? Regardless of the reasons, it’s official, Star Jones is getting a divorce and we are hearing the, “I TOLD YOU SO, HE AIN’T WANT HER BLACK ASS.

So now what? Star Jones has lost the Weight, she’s lost The View, she’s lost her Talk Show, now she’s lost her Marriage. I am still an underdog supporter, regardless of the reasons, I am behind her 100% because I can relate when it comes to dropping dead weight and moving forward .. especially when you KNOW the person isn’t into you. We have been previed to the "Star Jones Saga" since day one and part of me would like to just shyt it all down and move past it BUT I do like Star Jones and I am looking forward to seeing how SHE bounces back from this one because like many people, This Marriage Seem Suspect from the start and wasn't going to last long anyway.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


In between the writing I divert my attention towards Contracting in Computer Networking, which in this day of outsourcing, are as common as positive rating points are for George W. Bush. Well the other day I get a call from one of those Headhunting Agencies looking to fill a job ASAP. I hate them. “HATE”, being a strong aggressive word that civilize people should avoid, ‘I HATE HEADHUNTING AGENCIES”. This particular agency (which I want to name and just might if what I am about to tell you happens again) called me about a “Wonderful Opportunity”. Mind you, I have never worked for these people, nor have met the people who called me. We talk on the phone for a few minutes as I run down my abilities and background. Sell, sell, sell myself, that’s what I did and the end result was a possible long term working gig at the world famous auction house, Sotheby. Now for those that do not know, Sotheby is one of those places where any and everything of worth can be showcased, highlighted and sold for what I like to refer to as STUPID MONEY. So you can correctly assume that the type of people that work and auction there are not your average people next door (especially next to any of the doors I ever lived in).

So I’m on the phone and we are talking when the Headhunter tells me that my appointment will be the next day around 2:00 PM and then goes on to explain to me WHAT a Sotheby is and what they do and how they do things (I remain silent because I already know all of this) then the Headhunter tells me to check my email for the contact person and address. Ten minutes later I get another call, “I want to change those plans. Come into my office so I can meet you and fill out some paperwork.

This is one of several reasons why I dislike Headhunting Agencies. There is always this need and desperation for bodies at the last minute when they are looking to fill a position for a “cut” and “commission”. Mind you, if I was looking for a position on my own through them, I’d be an annoyance or forgotten for months before some NEW person pulls my resume from the bottom of some file cabinet and starts calling hoping that you are STILL UNEMPLOYED, but for now, I am Golden Boy so I'm going with the flow.

"What time do you want me to see you?", I ask.

"How about 1:00 PM?", the Headhunter responds back.

So now I am thinking, you want me to see you at 1:00 PM, not 11:00 AM or 12:00 Noon and then run to an appointment at 2:00 PM. That is cutting it a bit close. Too close.

"Don’t you think that is too close? Wouldn’t it be best to go to the interview and then swing by you for the paperwork? Or you can email me whatever I need to fill out today and I can fax it back to you. " , I ask.

"No, there are some things you need to fill out in the office. " ,the Headhunter confirms.

"No problem. I’ll see you at 1:00 PM.", I then accept and end the conversation.

The next day I get up early. I get a haircut and shave, a facial and the whole Metrosexual treatment. Knowing that I need to make an impression at Sotheby, I needed to have an above average look on par with that ELITE associations noted to frequent the auction house and it’s patrons. I will have to admit, I was turning few heads. Just as I was walking out of my place, the older woman from upstairs met me in the hallway. As I was leaving she gave me my "Suki Suki" moment. The kids in their SAGGIN ways step to the side of the walk as I proudly marched down towards the subway. Even the Rookie Cops that routinely stand by the Dunkin Donuts didn’t know what to make because it was a Tuesday and here this N____ was stepping out in Sunday Heels; they figure I had lost my mind due to the Heat of Global Warming or just decided to participate in Earth Day by not washing my Ghetto Gear. With all the attention, I still kept thinking in my head that I should have pushed the original plan and met with the people of Sotheby’s first and then the Headhunter. It's that FIRST THOUGHT THEORY.

I get to the Headhunter's and of course, I am asked to wait in the lobby for 20 minutes. The receptionist (a HOTTIE) kept telling me that the representative would arrive in a minute. When he finally arrives, we shook hands and I returned it back with equal Professional Formalities. He places the papers in my hands where the whole process took 10 minutes. The Headhunter then gives me the directions and a contact number and as I read the directions to gauge the quickest way to get to Sotheby’s from where I was I ask, “Is this interview still scheduled for 2:00 PM? "

"Oh no, I moved it back to 3:00 PM you have plenty of time to get there. Enough time to even walk if you like." the Headhunter assures me.

Yeah I could but I DIDN’T. With the weather being PERFECT, upper 70 degrees and nothing but sun and a light breeze, it was too perfect and I did not want to be affected by Murphy’s Law. I looked at my watch and saw that I had just a little more than 40 minutes to get to Sotheby. So I was safe. I shake hands once again and departed. I’ll skip the whole hustle and bustle though the streets of Manhattan and get to the door of Sotheby.

I get to my place and it is everything it was suppose to be. Sotheby’s, being on the Eastside of New York City, it is one of the Crown Jewels of OLD MONEY. We say that of the Eastside because east of Central Park is known for Wealthy New York residents or what is known as generational family wealth. The Westside is NEW MONEY. This is where traditionally the RICH people live, those whom have generated wealth within one to two decades. One side can trace its historical wealth back to and beyond the turn of the 20th Century or back to family within Europe, Africa, Asia and South America while the others can look to Entertainment, Technology, Banking , Medical and Service. The Westside is also the place where the newer and more frequent high-rises are located and built so anyone looking to move to New York City with a few coins in the pocket and wants to live Midtown or the Upper sides would more likely find themselves living there than the Eastside. Central Park being the line between the two sides, it is more than just a few acres of green dividing the differences, it also separates the attitude.

People usually ask me if the people of New York City, specifically those living in Manhattan, are racist or prejudice? In all things human nature, there will always be racism and degrees of prejudice BUT in Manhattan the divisions have more to do with CLASS as oppose to Race. Based upon your socio-economic situation, you can pretty much live anywhere in Manhattan. Depending on where you live, one can almost predict what your financial portfolio is. Those living in a particular area (and this is where prejudice and racism factors in) that would seem a bit questionable you would then ask, “So what do you do for a living?”. There is a theory behind this that at some point I’ll go into detail but for now let’s get back to Sotheby.

I walk into the building and pretty much get directed to my meeting place. Exiting the elevator I see a Brotha at the greeting desk where he then gives me slight attitude and directs me to sit and wait for my interviewer. I take out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from my brow. Between the weather and my hustle, I gave myself a pretty good workout. While sitting, I observe all the fine art and paintings hanging. The furniture was very comfortable for being art deco and I say to myself, “Self, this leather chair I know cost more than $3000.00 easy." The wait wasn’t that long when the Gentleman comes from a back office. I had to admit, immaculately dressed, he did look good in his clothes (Not as good as ME, in the words of Jill Scott). First impressions being everything, I stand up to greet my host and find that I am a Giant to his slight frame. As I am standing I can see how his neck is just arching to a locked position so I step back just a little so that I don’t give the “little” man a cramp. He, an amalgamation of Beverley Leslie (from Will and Grace) and Niles Crane (from Frasier) and giving off pure Evana Trump in Diva-tude looks me up and down but I don’t pay it any mind.

How are you, it’s a pleasure to ...”, I greet the Interviewer

Very dismissive the Interviewer interrupts, “I’m sorry but I’m NOT meeting with you?


You aren't going to meet with me? Why not?”, I ask.

I take being on time very seriously. This position that I am offering is not something to take lightly and you standing here now just don’t represent that.”, the Interviewer says patronizingly.


Stepping forward two steps, “Excuse me but I don’t think I'm late.

Excuse me BUT you are. You were to be here at 2:00 PM and I don’t have the time to ENTERTAIN you.”, spoken dismissively.


In defense of myself, I just left the agency no more than a hour ago where I filled out the proper paperwork. It was my understanding that the interview was to be at 3:00 PM and not 2:00 PM. I have the appointment schedule with me.”, cold and monotone I responded back.

I don’t care, your agent should have contacted me. I’m sorry but you WON’T work.”, he said with finality.


It is not an issue. I understand your decision and thank you for your time.”, I say in finality.

So a gathered my things as well as my thoughts (because they were becoming a bit Gemini by the second) and left. As I leave the decadence that littered what is a Sotheby, I looked around the building before exiting into the street and I say to myself, ‘Self, honestly, did you really see yourself working here? I mean coming from the Upper West, not coming from much and building yourself up through struggle into living a decent life, traveling the country and the World, passing the homeless and sickly on the streets just to get here, knowing there is a War going on, knowing that much of the wealth in this place was collected, gathered and or created off the backs of People without means or conscious, my attitude for doing the Right thing, personal views, personal values, your politics and temperament, lack of tolerance with people whom get off on the belittlement , dismissing of others and or condescending to just anyone and everyone, I mean you are a humanist at your core and yet you can be Bold and Acknowledging of your own prejudice, is this REALLY what you want? Does this place fit into your PEACE OF MIND?

I then change the direction of my thoughts and ask myself again, “Even with all the miscommunication and shady attitude from "Shorty Pants", is some part of you just twisted over not being able to get the opportunity to interview for this position?"


So I get outside, in the sun and I exhale. I look down the street as I watch the White folk in their diamonds and pearls, their Caribbean, South American and African nannies bring children home from the prep-schools, people on their way to their late afternoon Catholic and Jewish services, the sounds of Arab and other Middle Eastern dialogue eating outside cafes, European shoppers looking for expensive bargains, elderly men and women being pushed down the street in wheelchairs and or assisted in walkers, giving silent greetings and acknowledgements to Black and Brown door men as I past by and before I knew it I was by Central Park; the dividing point between what is real and what is tolerably real.

Not for nothing, I broke out the camera and decided, for my PEACE OF MIND I will do something that comes directly from me and capture the spirit of the day, the celebration of life, and a few snapshots of my SEXY. As I walked and took pictures, a group of young women stopped me and asked me why I was taking pictures. They were full of energy and girlfriend giggles. Most of all they were sight seeing and fame searchers. One of the young ladies asked if I knew anyone famous and as I rarely do, I name dropped a few people, which they loved. Then they asked if I could take their picture and vice versa. I promised that I would post the meeting on my Blog and I will (I hope they come check it out). I eventually started to tire. Being on my feet in “show shoes” and running out of space on the digital camera, I needed to be home because I couldn’t wait to get that damn Monkey Suit off and into a pair of jeans and a tee-shit ON THE WESTSIDE.


Saturday, April 19, 2008


I am an avid movie watcher. I like the art as much as I like a good song. It bugs people that here I am knee deep in to the Arts; written, performance, graphic, underground expressive and then on a turn will sit and watch PBS, The Discovery Channel, The History Channel and then talk about the intricacies of calculating the probability of Cosmic Strings in the Universe and Nuclear Clusters being attracted to Dark Matter in space. As an unpredictable Nerd, I can see how I could clear a room in one of my typical Schizophrenic Gemini Sybil Brain Farts but then again, I always made good company in my head anyway. It takes a unique mind and a lot of patience to understand and be around me much less, keep up in a conversation. So it is safe to say that when watching movies, I get the chance to rest my brain and just go with the flow. (even though while doing that I am dissecting the parts from beginning to end just to make sure all the elements of a good movie were in place. I can’t help it, I took a few film classes back in the day). This one film came to mind recently and I had this burning desire to Blog about it because as much as it is fantasy, its message reaches at the very foundation of human existence.

Recently there was a Lord of the Rings Marathon, which I watched. Anyone who has seen one of the three movies (Trilogy) knows that these films are not in the tradition of your 90-minute cinema. Besides the whole “epic” thing, what stands out through out the whole film is that there is a HUGE problem that is affecting everyone in the movie; EVIL, and that one thing that can prevent EVIL from winning, is by destroying a single ring. Thus the title, "Lord of the Rings". Well I won’t bore you with all the details but for the most part, what stood out is that throughout the Trilogy there was a Fellowship, a handful of “Warriors” who committed to help one individual, Frodo, to destroy the Ring of Power and defeat the raise of EVIL from conquering Man. A pretty simple premise don't you think?

As a teacher, the whole creating of the Hero and Adventure motif would be the obvious to concentrate on but I like the concept of the selected; the Fellowship, or as I would like to refer to as The Critical Mass needed to get the job Done.

Critical Mass, a theory taught in Sociology, Management and Political Science is a product of “group dynamics” and or “sociodynamics”. Critical Mass defined as the sociodynamic term describing the existence of sufficient or a minimum amount of people creating a momentum in a social system, which by its actions becomes a self-sustaining movement. Much of what Barak Obama's Campaign represents is an example of this.

I watched as this practices was exercised very early in life from my family’s involvement in the community and watching people gather and protest in the streets. It wouldn’t be until I became an adult that I truly understood its impact on a grander scale. Often in discussion groups and in my days at a teacher I would explain that the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950’s and 60’s was just that, an exercise in pockets of critical mass movements. Not all Black Americans were actively participating. In some cases, many were too afraid to take action and others were just too critical to be involved period. Regardless of the reason why people did not participate, a small number of bodies were only needed to begin “a movement” which was enough to shift a nation’s attention into the right direction.

When it comes to activism, those people NEW to the practice always make the mistake in thinking that one need hundreds of thousands of people to impact change when the reality is you only need ONE. In the film, “Lord of the Rings”, the character Frodo was told that there only needs to be One person who could save them all and if HE did not bear the burden, no one will. I mean, just think, you wake up in the morning and someone tells you that your Single Sacrifice MUST and WILL save the World? Kinda Jesus Like Don’t You Think?

So why my need to Blog about saving the World? It’s not about the saving of the World but how the pressures of being a single person doing positive things can be adversely affected by a Critical Mass of people. It is just as important to understand that just as a few people or ONE can do extraordinary things, the net opposite can break it down as well. Take the recent events with Tavis Smiley for example.

Pull back from THE BANQUET TABLE of the people because I know you are hungry, we really need to see the full bounty that is on display. The big picture is this, Tavis Smiley is a Doer in a World where people fit in three categories; those that Do, those that Don’t and those that Complain. He also is a good man with GOOD INTENTIONS. Now I have made note that people with good intentions do need to be watched, critiqued and held accountable when their intentions fall on the side of personal gain, abuse and or “evil” but in the case of Tavis Smiley, the Brother’s intentions are as transparent as a Glass of Arctic Water in Spring. The beauty of his Good intentions is that he is willing to be the ONE that will ask the questions that Black folk either do not think about or are afraid to ask due to this Nation’s unique political climate.

As a journalist and social analyst, Tavis Smiley has to ask the questions that will make people think, laugh, cry, become retrospective, introspective, create a pro-active consciousness and even make a person uncomfortable with accountability. His, like all good journalists, actions allow for TRUTH in character. In politics that is paramount. In American politics it is not only a must, at its core, character will be the glue that will determine the very nature of the US Super Power Status in the World. As a journalist, Tavis MUST walk as straight a line of non-bias practice as humanly possible for fear of being prejudiced towards the subject matter, showing favor and or doing an Oprah (catering to a specific audience or demographic). As a Black Man who has a non-negotiable COMMITMENT to Black People as well as having a proven commitment to the HISTORICAL EDUCATION OF AFRICAN PEOPLE IN DIASPORA AND THE AMERICAS, prior to the Obama phenomenon, Tavis Smiley was, without question, a dynamic individual. So as a fan, a political analyst, supporter, and a writer, I see Tavis Smiley as being one in a few who is truly dedicated to what he does and not loosing his way along the way within his own community YET when his own people turn on him for doing what he has been praised for doing for years, one has to wonder, "What if Frodo had kept that ring"?

No, serious I asked, What if Tavis did not do his job property and allowed certain People a pass on answering REAL questions or just fell in line with Corporately Run Journalism and read from the same TOP 10 Questions List of safe political questions and ignored the other questions, 11 through 50?

Fast-forward a few months in to the primaries and now we have a major violation committed by Tavis Smiley. Tavis’ crime against Humanity is he dared to do his job and asked or wanted to ask Political Questions 11 through 50 to Barak Obama. This, in our unique state of Politics is Taboo for Black folk in mass support of Obama. The temperament for doing this is somewhat a betrayal to RACE and looking even deeper, the Democratic Party, the Economy, the War, Immigration, Africa, Legal Issues, Prison Systems, Corporate Profiting, Labor, Universal Health Care, Education, Selling-Out to Hillary Clinton, Religion, Women, The Drug Trade, Gun Control, Trade and Exports, Political Fundraising, Terrorism and a whole host of American ills. What amazed me is that in the Black Community’s public ridicule of Tavis Smiley's attempt to ask or even criticize All the candidates (All meaning Obama would also be included in his critique) the very questions that each candidate had and has not answered to this very day. These are also the same unanswered questions that are frustrating the whole of America, Tavis included. So if one cannot ask the source, then asking around the source to get to the center is a necessary and professional process at getting to information and or the truth. When Tavis did this, he crossed into Taboo territory once again. So what happens when this occur? Black People complained and those complaints took on a movement to silence that “anti-Obama” hypocrite.

I personally am SICK of Tavis Smiley, he claims to love Black people and I certainly think the (un-appointed) black spokesperson should be compensated for his work but he was beginning to pontificate his opinions as if his and only his opinion counted. I started to turn TJMS off when Tavis had his commentaries; he was preachy and full of self-importance. I say GOOD RIDDANCE Tavis.” – Dililia from Blog: BlackMenInAmerica

A movement developed in the form of phone calls, e-mails and Blog attacks on the very person that in Public and Private stated and displayed he has more LOVE for Obama than the Hate directed towards him personally. One day, Tavis Smiley is a product of the very best that the Black Community has to offer into the next where he had become the most Stuck-up, Arrogant, Self-Centered Opportunist to wear the mantle and badge of Sellout. Tavis’ Annual State of the Black Union once hailed as a positive event for Black representation and focusing of Black America towards a National Mission and Agenda, now is the Tavis Smiley Soapbox for Personal Grandeur. So the Tipping Point (also know as Critical Mass) of the movement was to limit Tavis Smiley’s exposure and speech.

Tavis got hammered not because Obama supporters are crazed cultists operating in zombie mode, but because he insisted on trying to pull Obama's black card for trivial reasons, and TJMS listeners and many others called him on his crap.” – Political Session from Blog: Black Agenda Report 4. 16-22, 2008

"Barack Obama's campaign must come first. Hate mail is reprehensible, but Smiley's ego started most of it. If he really cares about the future for all races instead of his puffing ego, he'd shut up. Maybe he'd better go see Bill Clinton. Two blowhards in a state of denial." -- NoMugwump from the Blog: The Trail 2/16/2008

Although many people (knowingly or not) who participated in this addictive protest on Tavis’s journalistic style, now cheer in his radical bid to go into a self censoring from commercial radio where he spoke the most about the State of Black Liberal Politics. This Critical Mass of self-styled activist, feeling vindicated that Tavis Smiley has decided to leave Tom Joyner’s Nationally Syndicated Radio Talk Show. Actually what they did was become successful in maintaining the current status quo for keeping the REAL ISSUES off the table for any discussion from Black Americans as well as the Whole of America thus placing them deeper in limbo, possibly never to be asked of by Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton or John McCain. It is no accident that Tavis Smiley prefers PBS to Commercial media outlets where the pressures of Commercial Advertising Dollars cannot interfere with his honest reporting.

I wrote not too long before the New York Democratic primaries in relation to the Cultural Group Think Mentality towards each other and how there was a vicious line draw between Black Clinton and Obama supporters:

Some people are Liberal-Conservatives (Hillary Clinton) and some are Democratic Socialist (Barak Obama). The differences are slight but it is in that difference which is enough to be divisive and pit one Democratic ideology against the other. This is what we see now between Obama and Clinton supporters, the differences are that slight enough to split a Party in half and the national vote. The truth is, Blacks on a whole are voting on Racial Lines and it makes me crazy that NO ONE WANTS TO OWN UP TO IT. There has yet to be a dialogue that brings to question IF Black folk voted for Obama because he is Black? Just the same, people are slowly allowing for the reality that Women are voting on Gender Lines and are truthfully saying as much.” -- Shazza Nakim from the Blog: Mirror On America 2/29/2008

Tavis, the professional that he is was bold enough to have this Dialogue with Black America but as the Critical Mass dictated, it was a conversation that was not going to happen. Either now or later, if ever. One could argue that the conversation was trivial in comparrison to the importance of what is at stake. True enough, but what about the other questions not asked; Political Questions 12 through 50? From the very beginning Tavis Smiley have stood by his principles, his responsibility and dedication as a journalist to get at the REAL ISSUES. In his defense, he has often had to distinguishing himself from Celebrity or Entertainer and the Tabloid Reporter from that of the serious Journalist. In parting from the Tom Joyner Show, Tavis was noted as saying the following, "My job is to ask the critical question, to raise these issues and keep these guys focused. There are some people who are disappointed that I'm not jumping up and down saying, 'Vote for Barack Obama.' That's not my role as a journalist. That's not what I do.

And there lies the difference between a Tavis Smiley and an Oprah Whinfrey, Steve Harvey, Tom Joyner or a Whoopie Goldberg on MX Radio. Tavis is a Journalist with a stated Journalistic Ethic and an established and clear line that cannot (should not) be crossed and an Oprah and Whoopie which are more Media Personalities than Journalist hosts shows dedicated to demographics and specific audiences. For either Oprah or Whoopie (whom have Publicly endorsed candidates), to ask bias questions, the reactions would be slight or non-existent. For Tavis, his credibility as a legitimate, non-bias and honest journalist would always be called into question. Once that happens, he might as well do Access Hollywood or go back to BET.

For now, Tavis Smiley is taking an active break and waiting for the fever to burn itself off. Once the Body that is the Black Community cools, Tavis will returrn to ask the one question he has asked from the start, "What if Obama doesn't get the Democratic nod for President or even looses the election? What now? Where does all the energy and inspiration go for Black America and the Greater Nation?" I have an idea that this is a Contingency Plan Tavis is not hoping for but as a journalist, is preparing for.


So Inga Marchand is finally out of prison. It was almost 1 year ago she was ordered to go to Ryker’s Prison for probation violations. I mean all she had to do was stay under the radar and be like “normal people”. You figure at 28 years old (that was how old she was when she was sent to serve time) that one would have enough sense to enjoy freedom and a use enough Common Sense to behave. I mean as Thug Girls go, Inga Marchand’s claim to fame was beatin’ down little Asian Women at Nail Salons and throwing Blackberries and people. But she didn’t behave because somewhere in her mind, Inga Marchand thought she was Naomi Campbell. You see when too many people tell you that you ARE, “The Baddest Bitch”, when you’re NOT, you better have Naomi Campbell Money or at least Contacts.

In the end, The Judge said, “Naw, I’m the Baddest Bitch, now get your Monkey Ass in a jumpsuit and get locked up”. And that’s is just what happen. Inga Marchand was sentenced for 12 months at the Rose M. Singer facility at the New York prison since October of 2007.

So if you have no idea whom I am talking about by now, Inga Marchand is also known as the Notorious, Hardcore, Make No Mistake, Queen of the Mic, Battle Bitch Foxy Brown; the epitome of Rap Glamour and Hardcore Lyrics. Foxy Brown, just like lil’ Kim, were the future of Women in the Rap Game, what the media labeled as the "Gangsta Girl", what Real N_ ‘s wanted in a Woman. Well Ryker’s Prison wanted her more and decided to re-defined that image Big Time.

When Inga Foxy Brown” Marchand, entered lockdown in the tradition of all other Rappers as a “Rite of Street Cred”, Girl’s chest was pumped like Kong as she perp walked her ass into the clink. What Inga “Foxy Brown” Marchand didn’t know was that the “REAL” Bad Bitches were waiting for her. Now I am not one to disrespect Women by calling them the B-Word but to make a point and or describe the World that Inga “Foxy Brown” Marchand was working from and eventually into, we must call it the way the Players want it to be played. This is a story more about what IS real and what WAS fantasy.

Inga “Foxy Brown” Marchand gets into Ryker’s Prison thinking that her Foxy Brown persona would give her the Street Cred needed to be Queen Bee behind bars. What she didn’t know was that she was NO MARTHA STEWARD. Real Street Cred is having WEALTH ENOUGH to say (or in this case have a Lawyer say ) I want to be Upstate New York with my own WING, some groupie, making pastel quilts, floral curtains and planting flowers. Instead Inga “Foxy Brown” Marchand got the "First Year State Attorney Three Meals And A Cot" deal. Based upon her Bitching throughout her stay, it can be assumed that the Real Bad Bitches told her she had to skip the cot and “Grab Floor”.

Within days, Inga “Foxy Brown” Marchand was in an “altercation” with a fellow inmate, which required her to be placed in SOLITARY. We don’t know what the circumstances were but in talking to my connections within the system, the Women up in Ryker's don’t usually react as the Men do. There is no period where they “TEST THE BOOTY” or “LOYALTIES”. The Women’s Prisons tends to connect and bond more so than challenge and control UNLESS you enter with attitude. Trust me, if you do not have a grip on Anger Management, there will be someone to give you a Crash Course. A crash upside your head. Thank Goodness for Solitary Confinement.

Then we hear The Baddest Bitch stepping to The Judge to ask if she can be released early to get her ear fixed because of some infection. In reality it was a request to have a broken ear piece repaired. WHAT? You mean Thug Girl got some Forrest Gump Up In Her? “OH HELL NAW”, the judge told Inga “Foxy Brown” Marchand, “Get your HALF HEARING BLACK ASS BACK BEHIND BARS, I AIN’T PLAYIN WITH YOU!

Well The Judge didn’t say it like that but you know what I meant.

Then every other story you heard was Inga “Foxy Brown” Marchand pissing this one off, Inga “Foxy Brown” Marchand pissing that one off but in the end, FOXY got her act together because the word was out that she was soft. Word back on the Street was she calmed down too because The Judge didn’t care that she needed to be in a recording studio either. The reality of knowing that on the outside, the legal system wasn’t going to cut her any slack and on the inside, they had her number, it was best to WOMAN UP and recognized that by doing the time “RIGHT” you can get the FUQ out in one piece … the Baddest Bitch learned to be the Nicest Woman. In essence Foxy Brown learned how to accept being just Inga Marchand and keep it real with herself. Lesson learned, she got out a few months early.

So now Inga Marchand has been released and the media is all up in her face. She comes out and is ALL SMILES. She is now an Official Thug Girl With Street Cred. Without a beat, Inga Marchand runs out and meets her Mother followed by her Publicist, her Hair and Makeup Artist, Manhattan Councilman Charles Barron (why he was there I HAVE NO CLUE), and was whisked away to the backseat of a chauffeured white Rolls-Royce Phantom chased by paparazzi. But here is the REAL COMEDY, in a quick interview; Foxy Brown was asked what was it like being in prison? Her response, “ It was horrible, I was sitting next to all kinds of people, I mean I was next to Drug Addicts and Murders and … oh I can’t even describe it.” Then she was asked, “What do you plan to do next?” Her response, “I plan to go to Church and drop to my knees and pray and then go home.

Well alright Inga, you did learn something about being human. Then her Manager puts out there that FOXY BROWN has lined up a Reality Show, a project through VIACOM and VH1, speaking engagements, promotional rounds in support of her delayed new album, Brooklyn's Don Diva, May 13 because we need to get BACK ON TOP OF HER CAREER.

The Baddest Bitch is Back.