For a Man who doesn't believe in GOD, his philosophy on life, responsibility and onus in life as a "formula of nature"a result of Nature and Perfect Nurturing. He totally ignores the reality that what worked for him, the experience, the time, opportunity and even type of competition , may not work for everyone and yet his monolithic vision is that on absolution, one and only, "walk my path and you too can be a MORGAN FREEMAN. He ignores history and individual circumstance. Even the worst of people can become the BEST and we already know that the Best can often do the WORST to people. Some people journey to get to a destination only to say they got there on their own merits. They rarely think about the ground saturated with blood and sweat paved in those roads. As respected an actor he is, I think he hasn't released from playing GOD or the voice of The Universe. HIS privilege came from both Black people that died, sacrificed, protest and protested not to mention the Whites that "decided" to give him his job. People like Sidney Poitier, Bill Cosby, Harry Belafonte, James Earl Jones have acknowledged that prior to being who they are, someone "White" gave them a break. If you look at people (especially form Morgan's generation) the door crack wasn't by a Black face but a White person in a position of privilege. Before that door was crack .... people knocked, kicked and sacrificed before that lock was turned. And still to this day, Morgan Freeman's privilege comes from people that don't look like him. And if my change he doesn't act or say the right thing, can be taken away.
Yes we have irresponsible and trifling Black folk as there are many White folks and all the ethnic groups in between that we can write-off but the demise of the Black community isn't in its inability to live RIGHTLY but in its complacency to continue to do Rightly after the Civil Rights Movement. Black complacency in the belief that its has overcome all that America has done to it and the progress of the Civil Rights era pace would continue absent of inertia into a deep American Dream. Then there is the generation born to the late 70's and 80's and those after that do not know or understand the sacrifices before them because they were the first generations born with RIGHTS. They do not know, understand or can comprehend what it took to give them that freedom any more than you or I can understand what it was like to be a Slave. I am blessed to be old enough to know and had seen signs that said "Colored People Only" just before they were removed but to others? They can't relate. Even in photos. Which brings me back to Morgan Freeman. THAT MOFO KNOW BETTER !!! His banter speaks only on the myopic and ignores the system that has created the very people he "down brows". He is the epidemy of the Boule. He speaks well and he looks good, but his "opinion" on those he is disconnected to is easy to do because he is far removed from their experience, their story, their soul and their spirit to exist. Then again .... he is an atheist and for him GOD HAS NO PURPOSE nor does their (Black peoples) struggle or existence.
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