Friday, December 26, 2014


A single grain of sand,

the DNA of Mother Earth.

A seed that rolled along Oceans for millennia.

This grain,

formed from the heat of all there was, is and

will be,

the "was" that peeled unconscious life

into beings that walk the land.

The land that drank deep.

The first Man.

The first Woman.

The first Child.

That which held the prints of hands, knees and

the foreheads

of the first Prayer.

This seed call sand, had ships shadow over it

as they circumnavigated the World.

This seed called sand, had laid upon it drowned


of Mothers, Fathers, sons and daughters


Robbed of home.



This seed called sand, moved by hurricanes and

land shifts,

creatures and coral.

This seed, called sand is the truest of Bible.



Written in a language of God that took Billions

of years to write.

More Billions to read.

And eternity of speak.

This sand.

This seed.

This of many from a bit of mountain,

a fraction of Unity.                                               Universe.


SEEDS AND SAND (Umoja) by Shazza Nakim
Copyright © by Peace of Mind Publishings and with permission by Shazza Nakim

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Another ritual to remember the dead.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


To say that all parties involved DIDN'T see the whole video is BS. The courts, the police, the NFL and everyone involved in the decision process of Ray Rice ... they all saw the video. We the people were the only ones not involved in the process. As a matter of fact, the "re-releasing" of this video has in essence made the incident appear as if this is both NEW or giving the impression that Ray Rice is STILL abusing his wife. Manipulation of information and the incident paints Rice as an "animal out of control and a danger to all Women". Women whom he does not know, will not know and will never meet. It is a marketing that easily works for certain "types" of people. That same campaign can be applied to anyone (Males) who would speak in any way in support of Rice as a person, as a person who needs help and one who has the potential to be forgiven and becoming a better person. Watching the video (again and from a different angle), I wasn't shocked because I (we) knew what happened. We still do. Nothing new was added to the evidence. THINK ABOUT IT PEOPLE ... this incident isn't NEW. It was discussed, debated, viraled, the topic of talk shows, made newspaper and magazine articles, PEOPLE GOT SUSPENDED from their jobs. careers were boosted and millions of social media posts were created etc ... and yet people are reacting like this is new News. If anything, the re-creation and creating Law to be applied 'retroactively' is the real monster. 

My last point is this, how is it we can see Ray Rice hit is wife in "GRAPHIC DETAIL" and have it looped all day for several days and the News can't show police shooting innocent people or even criminals in violent acts, the the end results of bombings in the Middle East and Gaza, or the beheading of Journalist? The excuse that it is "too violent" for TV or for the News become hypocritical when we can see Ray Rice. THINK ABOUT IT PEOPLE this is more than just a domestic issue its politics and YES I will say "Race".

Thursday, August 28, 2014


I can't tell you how many people have tried to "brainwash" me in debate, conversation, posting and lecture into freely giving up my FREEDOM to be handcuffed by a police officer when innocent. KEYWORD: Freedom. New York Mayor De Blasio had the audacity to suggested that AMERICANS (Black and Latinos) should always adhere to an officers demands to be handcuffed (guilty until they determined you are innocent) to prevent an "altercation". An altercation for what?

In essence, the Mayor of New York, whom Black and Latinos voted for to deal with the over-policing and harassing measures of the NYPD and its legal system, he is asking for those same voters whom are at the center of legal violations to "silently and orderly give up their FREEDOM before he; THE MAYOR, has even "ATTEMPTED" to deal with these issues?  That the creation of and "altercation"; a noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public ..... is un-American and unacceptable when told and or demanded to give up their FREEDOM freely and without question? Peacefully? EXCUSE ME BUT THE LAW AND PROTOCOL is to state what the crime is (if there is one) first and when asked by the accused and not exercise some skewed act of Jurisprudence until they can figure out a charge they can use to justify their action(s).

I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me. EVEN IN PLACES WHERE I WORK. I have never allowed an officer to handcuff me, My FREEDOM is given to me by GOD and it is in knowing that, a gift that I do not and will not give to anyone. This frustrates the police when a person stands their ground because intimidation is key to their protocol for arresting and or subduing people.

I am not asleep and my mind is sharp ... you can not tell me that giving up your FREEDOM to authority without question is normal. If anything it is the actions of animals led to slaughter. HELL .... even pigs fight before they are made into bacon for your BLT sandwiches.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


"There has never been a INALIENABLE RIGHT or a HUMAN PRIVILEGE achieved in the United States that wasn't fought for by People." - the poet Shazza

One, this is an old interview and I have since beat down this horse a long time ago. It is interesting that like a cycle, when Black people begin to speak TRUTH to injustice, discrimination and or progress towards civil disobedience, MEDIA digs out people like Morgan Freeman, particularly this video and of coarse Samuel Jackson; and a few others I don't have time to get into and won't list, to preach the "Accountability Speech". TRUTH BE TOLD ... Black people are responsible and are accountable. If you talk to Black people, we are actually more "conservative" than liberal. We are to a fault, more conservative than Whites. We do believe in all the principles that make up the foundation that is America. Our detour from that path had come with the political, social and economic change in landscape during the late 1970's and 80's and since then, policy, politics, economics and leadership waned. We can do a 4yrs of back and forth with this topic and still we would not Master the complexities that have effected Black people not just in the United States but throughout Africa. That being said, Freeman's criticism is like criticizing the classroom for not having books to read when the decision to provide books is/was determined by the Bd of Ed. And yes, parents and teachers can come out of pocket for them but there are 12 other classes without books as well. MORGAN FREEMAN just happened to be in the classroom with people who could provide those resources, yet he conveniently forgets to mention that.

For a Man who doesn't believe in GOD, his philosophy on life, responsibility and onus in life as a "formula of nature"a result of Nature and Perfect Nurturing. He totally ignores the reality that what worked for him, the experience, the time, opportunity and even type of competition , may not work for everyone and yet his monolithic vision is that on absolution, one and only, "walk my path and you too can be a MORGAN FREEMAN. He ignores history and individual circumstance. Even the worst of people can become the BEST and we already know that the Best can often do the WORST to people. Some people journey to get to a destination only to say they got there on their own merits. They rarely think about the ground saturated with blood and sweat paved in those roads. As respected an actor he is, I think he hasn't released from playing GOD or the voice of The Universe. HIS privilege came from both Black people that died, sacrificed, protest and protested not to mention the Whites that "decided" to give him his job. People like Sidney Poitier, Bill Cosby, Harry Belafonte, James Earl Jones have acknowledged that prior to being who they are, someone "White" gave them a break. If you look at people (especially form Morgan's generation) the door crack wasn't by a Black face but a White person in a position of privilege. Before that door was crack .... people knocked, kicked and sacrificed before that lock was turned. And still to this day, Morgan Freeman's privilege comes from people that don't look like him. And if my change he doesn't act or say the right thing, can be taken away.

Yes we have irresponsible and trifling Black folk as there are many White folks and all the ethnic groups in between that we can write-off but the demise of the Black community isn't in its inability to live RIGHTLY but in its complacency to continue to do Rightly after the Civil Rights Movement. Black complacency in the belief that its has overcome all that America has done to it and the progress of the Civil Rights era pace would continue absent of inertia into a deep American Dream. Then there is the generation born to the late 70's and 80's and those after that do not know or understand the sacrifices before them because they were the first generations born with RIGHTS. They do not know, understand or can comprehend what it took to give them that freedom any more than you or I can understand what it was like to be a Slave. I am blessed to be old enough to know and had seen signs that said "Colored People Only" just before they were removed but to others? They can't relate. Even in photos. Which brings me back to Morgan Freeman. THAT MOFO KNOW BETTER !!! His banter speaks only on the myopic and ignores the system that has created the very people he "down brows". He is the epidemy of the Boule. He speaks well and he looks good, but his "opinion" on those he is disconnected to is easy to do because he is far removed from their experience, their story, their soul and their spirit to exist. Then again .... he is an atheist and for him GOD HAS NO PURPOSE nor does their (Black peoples) struggle or existence.


"On Tuesday, while providing an update about Sam’s quest to make the St. Louis Rams’ final roster, reporter Josina Anderson said that a Rams “defensive player told me that ‘Sam is respecting our space’ and that, from his perspective, he seems to think that Michael Sam is waiting to take a shower, as not to make his teammates feel uncomfortable.”" - Statement from ESPN

This is the same question that was posed when Black players entered into the professional sports area. The very same question that was presented when Women sports reporters were allowed into the locker room. Its now full circle in the Same-Sex Debate (which is kinda funny when typing this) for Male Insecurity in Sports 3.0.

There is culture in the locker room, especially when Sports and Team Bonding is concerned. The uptick in (which to this day we haven't seen signs of this in either Sports or the Military) where groping, raping, orgies, sexual assaults, unwarranted stares and glares, animal and or blowup doll simulations or even open discussions about asking for dates in showers have ever occurred prior to or now that "orientation" has become a distraction for playing Professional Sports. I think its hilarious how weak minded and socially challenge players are looking at Michael Sam as if the NFL recruited RuPaul into the NFL. The man earned the Right to play ball. If he can't cut it ... than "cut" him (no pun interned). What would really be a shower report is if Michael Sam reported how many "closet" players are looking at him. Now ..... that's something to think about.

By the way ... ESPN doesn't regret anything. They are trying to get everyone hyped to watch more sports, their broadcasts and follow Michael Sam because he is the new thing to talk about and capitalize on after last years decrease football ratings.

Monday, August 25, 2014


You can’t feel me!
My anger’s too strong.
My stare too long,
And conviction undoes all wrong.
I got ANGRY BLACK MAN Syndrome.
At least that’s what you call it.
My ability to take you out of your comfort zone
Taking your breath
Your spirit
Shaken from the top of your monkey tree and down to the ground.
Shaka strong.
And you blinked.
By fear you noticed that you read the wrong book
About me.
I took the system and words and turned it back upon its maker.
Tsunami style
I tore all up into your foundation and left you nothing.
Not even thought.
And in your bid to call for help
Military forces stood, building walls to protect your assumed innocence.
And I laugh because I took your heart.
Way before you even knew you had one.

No Heart is the sole property of Shazza Nakim, all Rights Reserved and is published with written permission by the artist. (c) Copyright 2014


I’ve seen sparks flare and rocks fly

Crashing against brows that pulsate blood


Knowledge and pride

for a tribe.

my Home,

our family.

It’s a light,

like stars,

that dance



And wakes the senses

allowing you,

and everyone present know

that THIS is reality.

Be it live or recorded

you now stand at the front line of the Revolution.

I took a side and it is Hot, and Violent, Physical


This will be the re-start of that circle in Mayan history

where everything repeats because as Man and Men

we keep forgetting the struggle

That life, liberty and the over pursuit of prosperity

eventually and ultimately

kills us.

Bible Quran Torah taught us,


We have embraced humanity’s less exorcised

and re-swallowed pea-soup of bile and blades

served up on money green platters and platinum card dreams.

Swooned and swayed to diamond jingle bells

and shook bags of sugar ‘till it dropped like its Hot.

Cars like deadly caterpillars munching on black filled pipes,

sucking hard on the excremental breast milk of Mother Earth.

People followed and realized that the beat they heard was not of the heart

but of the cellular ringtones from bill collectors calling

cursing your ass out to pay your bills.

It was a beat that burped and belched that your stomach is tight and empty

It was a hollow treble that echoed from your foreclosed home

And the hammer knocking in your neighbor’s lawn

signs reading,


Here everyone in the land is looking to the sky for a Superman

while rocking back and forth counting beads and molesting crosses

with dirty fingers that once traced remotes that channeled every talk show created.

in this reality sits a people who

stopped singing Negro spirituals praising Jesus …

a long time ago,

and replaced him with Pink Floyd

The gospel:

“We don’t need no education
We don’t need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the class room
(yells) Hey, teachers! Leave those kids alone!”

Because the man got it right:

I and we were just another brick in the Wall.

Praying for simple solutions,

the devil in us turned GOD into DOG

And in return

got a nation that shit and pissed all over each other.

Funny thing about shit and piss,

it is the one true method that dogs communicate

and the World made sure we did not become pedigrees

living in our own American backyard.

Unlike thunder or like lightning, the rumble in the distance

is missing.

No more can we count on the people to carry pitch forks

German Sheppards and high pressure hoes,

or spit and slur words of hate.

This is a different time, a different place

This whole party goes beyond Race.

Mutts, junkyard and strays in our own diversity

where television sells us on the notion that Poor is Fashionable and Cheap is Cool

SPAM is caviar and Ramen Noodles is part of the 4 basic food groups.

Holy Men dancing with baby boys and Women becoming famous for their anger and pain,

who could ever image a bunch of dirty kids from New Jersey’s shore

would be the welcoming ambassadors for a generation.

We look around

 and become rabbit when what little is left is thrown in the middle

of a hungry pack,

and we draw blood.

Ethnic blood

 in a frenzy, and we still can’t see that it is all Red.

Because in truth, we are dead inside.


A cesspool of mediocrity and mendacity.

Dank and dark even in our most enlighten moments.

Complacent like meat fried up to give the next generation heartburn and diabetes

We medicate on the idea that we are great only because we are American.

And if we turn down the music, just enough

we just might hear the scant chuckle of Shaitan

and the quite tears of GOD,

opposite ends,

opposite sides of Ying and Yang.

Like the center of the circle in history,

 this is now cause,

 this the catalyst


The Revolution.


Why you scared of me?

Is it something deep inside.

Deep deep inside?

Shadow guised?

Keeping check the pride

that you eyed?

Is my time in the limelight

too bright?

My pockets gorged green

to capacities out of common sight?

Is my fight before your coming

too hyped?

My work,

like a Hebrew slave

that stayed,

cracked base like cracked Cain

leaving your pyramid undone.

Why you scared of me?

Is my truth so real?

When I say I love you

you shake back

to the moment of your conception.

My need to be your Man,

dancing passion and kind,

washed your doubts smooth,

like skin,

feeling you freely

until you are mine.



As we grow older we begin to understand that the last part of things

can be just as beautiful as a beginning.

Then we can truly appreciate what has gone before.

That being said,

American the beautiful

American the brave.

American written in the  Fall

America’s winter in Gray.


Revolution is the sole property of Shazza Nakim, all Rights Reserved and is published with written permission by the artist. (c) Copyright 2014