The diet will be in three stages (3/1, 2/1, 1/1)
3/1 or three weeks on 1 week off are the detoxification stage. This will require a person
2/1 or the two weeks on 1 week off is the choice stage. This challenges a person’s ability to monitor and or balance the foods that are good and bad in their eating habits. It is a conscious observation of what you consume or are addicted to. Most diets fail because people try going “cold turkey” or not addressing the real reason for their bad eating habits. Your two weeks on is for self-examination and personal research. This would require you getting a personal physician, learning what your Blood-Type is, family medical history, and learning what the causes are for those family illnesses (hereditary, social, environmental, chemical, physical) and planning a lifestyle change which requires little to no money to address.
1/1 or 1 week on 1 week off is in my opinion the hardest part because it requires you to actually read labels on store bought products. This stage requires you to consume less than 350mg of sodium (salt) per day. Just to let you know, 1 serving of Oatmeal without any extras or 5 oz is equal to 120mg of sodium. Drink 1 glass of apple juice (from concentrate) and you are
This 1-week stage is to develop an understanding as to how much salt and sugar we consume in 1 single day. This will allow for the body to burn off excess water and or fat that often does not get attention without over working out by intense exercise. Although working out will be part of your diet plan, I am not asking you to join a gym or turn your home into a health club. The purpose is to bring a new consciousness to the toxins that we consume on a daily bases. By doing that, you will see where and how the extra weight catches up on you.
Listed below are foods you will choose from to make your diet plan. In this diet, portion sizes are important but not in a limiting way. You will eat 3 meals per day with two snacks in between. What you will be snacking on and the amounts are important. It is also important that you get 6 - 8 hours sleep per day, 1 hour of quiet time (mediation, exercise, sitting in a park, a room reading) and a partner that you will report to in order to outline your day. This last point is necessary because in the initial stages you will need someone to give you the support to get through and over the “flavor addictions”.
You will find that based upon your diet, finding locations in your community that specialize in healthy eating are not always easy. Health food stores are not as plentiful as your average corner store or supermarket. You will
Meat/Protein Substitutes
Soy, Tofu, Wheat (Seitan/Gluten), Nuts, Beans, Yogurt, Cheese (Organic Dairy Products)
Sugar Substitutes (Slowly begin to diminish the need for sweeteners)
Honey, Raw Brown Sugar, Molasses
Milk Substitute (Vitamins)
Rice Milk – Rice Dreams (Original/Vanilla)
Soy Milk – Silk (Original/Vanilla)
Almond Milk
Organic Goats Milk
Cooking Oils (Vitamins and Minerals)
*Canola Oil
Sesame Seed Oil
*Virgin Olive Oil (Packaged in Dark bottles)
Sunflower Oil
*Coca Nut Oil
Vegetables (Vitamins)
*Broccoli, Green Beans, *Cabbage, Spinach, Egg Plant, Peas/Chickpeas, *Garlic, Green/Red/Yellow Peppers, *Squash (Yellow, Butternut), Sea Weed, Bean Sprouts, Celery, Olives, *Cauliflower, Yams
Fruit (Fiber, Vitamins)
Apples, Bananas, Peaches, Raspberries, Blue Berries, Cherries, Figs, Lemon (Grapes, Oranges, Kiwi, Melon, Strawberries – careful with these fruits because of the sugar content)
Snack (Vitamins, Proteins, Fiber)
Dry Fruit (Apples, Mango, Pineapple, Raisins, Dates, Prunes)
*Trail Mix
Ice Cream (Single flavored 1 pint no extras ingredients 1 per week Soy Based or Bryers)
Mixing Syrup (Fruit Based 18mg or less sugar for Water/Ice Frosty)
Vegetable Chips - Salt Free
Peanut Butter (Natural and non-commercial/*Almond Butter (This is better for you than Peanut Butter)
Tuna/Salmon and Egg Salad (Combination for Chips, Dip, Sandwich – Can Tuna Fresh Water)
Organic Rice (1/2 cut twice per week)
Potatoes (baked 1 per week)
*Pita Bread (if you can, do without bread)
*Black Russian Bread (if you can, do without bread)
Whole Wheat (Avoid Common Commercial Brands)
Rice or Wheat based pasta
Fish (Protein)
Whiting, Salmon, Shark Steak, Tuna, Mackerel, Porgy (Avoid bottom feeding and scavenger fish)
Cereals (Fiber)
Oats (Not to be confused with Oatmeal)
Beans (Protein)
Lintel, Peas, Broad, Navy/White, Red, Black, Kidney
Foods to Avoid
Breads, Corn, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Alcohol, Salad Dressing, White Sugar, White Flour, Juices from Concentrate, Fruit Drinks, White Rice (in large amounts), Eggs (2 per week if you can), Pancakes, Waffles, Muffins, Doughnuts, Cakes, Cookies and Candies, Pastas, Caffeine based Teas and Coffees - if you can’t do without it for 2 days, you have an addiction.
Without question, all foods prepared are to be boiled, broiled, baked, steamed, grilled or eaten raw. Sautéed vegetables in oil are only to be used for light flavoring and not to be soaked. Use oil sparingly and as a substitute for salad dressing. If you can avoid them altogether during the 3,2,1 period, even better.
For Soy, Tofu and Wheat (Seitan or Gluten) meat substitutes, there are many recipes that can be found on the Internet. Many of which suggest that for the meat ingredients you use Soy, Tofu or Seitan/Gluten so there is no special preparation for them. What is interesting is that these meat substitutes take on the flavor of what it is cooked in. So you do not loose flavor or texture based upon which one is used. As a rule I use the following for dishes; Soy for Fish, Tofu for Chicken and Lamb, and Seitan/Gluten for Beef.
When using these meat substitutes, remember to prepare them as if you were cooking the actual dish. What is wonderful about these substitutes is that they all take on the flavor and texture of the dish itself. For example when cooking with Tofu, if the dish calls for chicken and you use the ingredients that would bring out the flavor of chicken, then the Tofu absorbs the seasonings and takes on a poultry taste.
There are many books on preparing Vegetarian dishes as well as websites. On your free time search for a few and amaze yourself on what you have been missing.
The Diet
3/1 – The beginning
This is the beginning of a way of life. Note I stated a way of life. This isn’t one of those TV or Hollywood Diets; this is something that is ongoing as long as you want to stay healthy. Will it prolong your life, I cannot honesty say but one thing is for sure, your doctor visits and health care provider won’t make much money on you pushing pills and additives after you begin a lifestyle of healthy eating. The purpose of the 3/1 is to gradually get your body to recognize that it is polluted with additives that it doesn’t need. By doing this, your body will then craves only the nutrients that it will need and reject the toxins (in food) that it doesn’t. For example the sodium in Potato Chips, the carbonation and coloring in Soft Drinks, the abundant Oils and Seasoning in Fast Food and the preservatives in Frozen and Can goods.
To begin you will need to purchase SUNDIAL WOODROOT TONIC (32 oz) and SUNDIAL KOROMANTEE (32 oz) from your local Health Food Store. If you cannot find either you can either contact the distributor at (718) 798-3962 or email sundialherbs@aol.com. You can also go to their website at http://www.sundialherbs.com/ . (Please Note* You should see your physician before you begin any dietary regiment in order to know your health status regardless of how safe and simple it may sound or be.)
In using these herbs and bitters, follow the instructions carefully and without deviation. In order for the 3/1 to work, you have to condition your eating habits as well as your daily routine. Both Woodroot and Koromantee must be taken twice daily and together. The actual diet is what you consume between usage. 64 oz of water and avoid fiber/dehydrating based juices and beverages (apple, cranberry, grape, teas, coffees) should be consumed during this period. Avoid dry fruits as well during the 3/1 periods for they tend to have a laxative type properties. No dairy is allowed during the 3/1 periods. Only after the 3rd week can you slowly begin to add small amounts of diary back into your diet or at all.
Since this is 3/1, it will take you two weeks to finish both bottles. The last week of the 3/1 will be only to flush your body out with water.
2/1 – Know You Body
This is your Vegetarian phase. NO MEATS and MEAT PRODUCTS. I have given you a listing of foods you can and cannot eat. The goal is to explore the various foods and food options around you and to cultivate good eating habits. This phase also will teach you th
This is a period for gathering information about yourself and not having “someone” guide you through a spiritual journey. Personal Mediation and Prayer is a good way to get in tune with your body. Learn to listen. Sounds deep but when you learn to listen to your body, you will begin to understand how people can go for years and not know they are ill. They have forgotten how to listen to their bodywork and to feel what it needs. A wise man told me once, “God has given you two ears and one mouth so that you can listen twice as much as you speak”. The listening also covers the body as well.
1/1 – Know Your Foods
Now that you have taken a week off, your body should not only see but feel a difference. Although your body isn’t completely cleansed, it will begin to want more as you continue the 3,2,1 regiment. In the 2/1 you will begin to read food labels. Not for calories and fat content but for salt.
Now that you are done with the 3,2,1 regiment what next?
You can begin again. I find that once a person goes through the 3,2,1 they usually want to go back into a second try. I say go for it but remember, this is a seasonal diet. Once you begin a GRADUAL CHANGE IN YOUR EATING, you will not need to continue on a strict routine. Begin to add exercise to your weekly pattern. Walking is a good way to begin. You do not need to go out and join a gym right away but if your home does not afford the privacy you need, then check out an affordable yet SIMPLE GYM. The less flash the better.
Copyright 2003 © by Peace of Mind Publishings and with permission by Shazza Nakim
Okay, Shazza, this post came right on time. Today is the day I official attempt to get back close to my original weight, when I was in my twenties. I gained like 60 freaking pounds, since going joining the force and that crap ain't cool. So, by my birthday, this August, I would like to at least lose twenty pounds. Twenty pounds in a month is totally do able, but if I do I dread doing it the right way. I know, I know.
I am reading what you posted and taking it to heart, but literally and figuratively. Thanks for hitting the nail on the head.
Where you at, bro?
Poet were are you?
Okay.. it has really been a while, and i am hopping u are good
wow! Tht's a real lesson! Thanks for sharing--Ima go burn off some weight now! :-)
holy moly lol
obesity is a big prolem with black women
over 79% of black women are obese
its a mess
i really like that ledisi song too
thanx bruh
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