Monday, December 30, 2013

STATEMENTS - Nia (Purpose)

' There is a method to my madness. '

He told me this one day.

Stayed in my mind for what seemed like eternity.

The way he said it.

It took root.

And it grew into something


Blocking the sun.

Taking up space before me

As it reached toward the sky.

But I am a person who enjoys aerial views.

So I climbed.

' I rose to the occasion. '

My statement of choice.

To see this madness

And the method for which it worked by.

Walking the walk

With the wind to my back,

Witnessing all that is truly good in us all,

I became crazed.

Much like he.

So now we practice this method of madness


Committed for all the duration.

Crazed for life.

Talking the talk

Of words.

Work is the sole property of Shazza Nakim and is published with written permission by the artist.
 (c) Copyright 2013 

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