Monday, February 7, 2011


Lately I have been calling the Sisters out on the Bashing of the Brothers. Since I consider myself a Good Person, one with quality, integrity and commitment as defined by my upbringing and reputation, too often I have to defend myself or justify why "OTHER" Black Men are ______ (You fill in the blank). It would seem the older I get and move in circles, the more I get from the Sisters. This phenomenon and the emerging younger generations are taking this reality to levels unheard of with their socially exceptable culture to disrespect Women. 

Recently, a good person, whom has come into my life, had sent me my answer and a calling card as a female's response to understand what I now deal with from the opposite side/opposite sex's perspective so that I can accept that this is a new and different reality for relationships.

I am sharing this on my blog in hopes that those that question can understand and or share in my feelings/belief that its not all about the Men or even Me. It is a shared responsibility as well as our ownership as a Black people to maintain what little is left that made us able to see, love, live and survive needs to be unearthed and used.

This isn't us because I've seen what can possibly be me. - Shazza Nakim

"It's a funny thing about the modern world. You hear girls in the toilets of clubs saying, "Yeah, he fucked off and left me. He didn't love me. He just couldn't deal with love. He was too fucked up to know how to love me." Now, how did that happen? What was it about this unlovable century that convinced us we were, despite everything, eminently lovable as a people, as a species? What made us think that anyone who fails to love us is damaged, lacking, malfunctioning in some way? And particularly if they replace us with a god, or a weeping madonna, or the face of Christ in a ciabatta roll---then we call them crazy. Deluded. Regressive. We are so convinced of the goodness of ourselves, and the goodness of our love, we cannot bear to believe that there might be something more worthy of love than us, more worthy of worship. Greeting cards routinely tell us everybody deserves love. No. Everybody deserves clean water. Not everybody deserves love all the time."  — Zadie Smith

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