Monday, December 29, 2008

NATURE OR NURTURE (Kujichagulia - Self-Determination)

Stroke me
and touch me more.
Look at me hard
and hold on.

What do you say?

Experience and taste me
lick and swallow me whole.
What flavor am I?
Sweet or sour?

Mixing the ingredients.
Open seasons
of Change
from hot to cold.
Dressed and Undressed.

In fashion statements of the World.

Singles and doubles.
Matching me up.
Taking me down
on my back and on my side.

Spread them and check me out.

Outgrowing your ideals.
Stepping beyond social shackles.
A hungry soldier no more.
I have turned my own pages.

Reading stories from right to left.
Blame me not.
I blame you little.
I am deep into You more
as much as you are into Me.

Rolling head over heels.

Save my life
saving more of your soul.
Allowing me to die in your arms.
Dully by cutting off the lights.

The sun will still rise after blemished days.

Hear Trumpets
calling from the East
with human insight.
Listen to the sound.

Nature of Nurture by Shazza Nakim
Copyright © by Peace of Mind Publishings and with permission by Shazza Nakim

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